- En la piel: Aplicar 1-2 gotas sobre la yema de los dedos, y frotar suavemente en circulos en los puntos de aplicación: sien, nuca, muñecas, pecho, abdomen, y/o plantas de los pies.
- Para aromatizar: Agregar 10-15 gotas a tu difusor favorito.
- Encuentra muchos tips divertidos para sacarle el máximo provecho a tus aceites esenciales en nuestro instagram @boeaoils
Serves for: Clears the airways, headaches, muscle pain, purifies the air.
Scent: Fresh.
Create your own scent! Experiment by mixing different essential oils and find your favorite blend.
What are essential oils? They are concentrated extracts of naturally distilled aromatic plants. With their intensity, purity and magic, they give us a unique sensory experience. Thank you nature!
How to use them? Topical and/or by diffuser.
On the skin: Apply 1-2 drops on the fingertips, and gently rub in circles on the application points: temples, neck, wrists, chest, abdomen, and/or soles of the feet.
To scent: Add 10-15 drops to your favorite diffuser.
Ingredients: Eucalyptus essential oil (eucalyptus globulus).
Net content: 15 ml